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The 17th Conference of Asian and African City Planning held

The 17th Conference of Asian and African City Planning was held by hybrid style of using ZOOM application and on-site at the campus of The University of Tokyo in December 19, 2021.

  This Conference is presented by the Asian and African City Planning Study Group, a subcommittee of The City Planning Institute of Japan. Starting from The Conference of Asian City Planning in 2003, it is counting the 17th conference this year. The objective of this conference is to report of study on developing countries including Asia and Africa and the urban planning issues in japan and to share information on the research through the discussion. The paper and presentation about the achievement of their survey and analysis were all in English.There were many presentations by young researchers from graduate schools of university in Japanese. By presenting their work by hybrid style through both online and onsite in English, young researchers have opportunity to build a world-wide research network with each other. In response to the increasing number of research papers published on African countries in recent years, the conference was renamed as the Asia Africa City Planning Research Presentation in 2017.

There is also an increase in the number of presentations by Japanese speakers and practitioners, and it is expected that more diverse and active researches will continue through the conference in the future.

In this year, a total of 17 papers were submitted and 34 researchers and practitioners presented their research. The study areas were covered wide range of Asian countries including Indonesia, China, Pakistan, Singapore, Cambodia, Japan, Thailand, Korea, Nepal and Mongolia.

The contents of the presentation were regarding issues such as case studies on industrial development and introduction of planning systems, reorganization of public transportation systems and actual conditions of public space development facing urbanization, practical situation about revitalization of pedestrian spaces, issues in disadvantaged areas due to urbanization. On the other hand, there are also researches focusing on the structure and living conditions of local village in rural areas, the research target areas were quite diverse. In addition, as examples of responses to natural disasters occurring in various areas of the world, there was also researches focusing on foreigners living in Japan and disaster issues in overseas urban areas and disadvantaged areas.

In the opening greeting part of the conference, Prof. Kidokoro, the Chairperson of the subcommittee appreciated the realization of hybrid style conference considering the situation of Covid-19 based on the online-based conference experience last year.Next, general information about the presentation time and two presentation rooms prepared in the campus was introduced by Assoc. Prof. Ono, Toyohashi University of Technology.

In the closing address part, the significance of presenting the results of overseas surveys and analyzes through not only online but also face-to-face discussion was concluded by Assis. Prof. Kashiwazaki, Toyo University.

There were about 50 participants including committee members, presenters, and general listeners etc.

There were about 50 participants including committee members, presenters, and general listeners etc.

Toward the next year 2022, although the venue has not been decided so far (it might possible be held at Kyushu University), it is expected to proceed the hybrid style, combination of both online and on-site meetings just like this year.


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